^)(^ Pharmakon 2012 Stream Sites

You able to instantly playing Pharmakon without survey within minutes in length.Branko is a young man of twenty five, doing a dreary job as a pharmacist in the suburbs of Tirana. He lives under the tutelage of his father, Dr. Sokrat, a socially respected oncologist, owning almost everything in his sons life, including the pharmacy where Branko, in lack of any other job, is compelled to work. Suspecting that she might be his father's secret lover, Branko enters into a romantic relationship with one of Dr. Sokrat's employees, Sara, a young nurse. Accidentally or not, Sara provokes the tense relation of a father and a son, uncovering a silent generational conflict between the two. Pharmakon depicts Branko's journey toward truth and maturity, in a cynical patriarchal system, based upon power hungriness, corruption and lies.. Streaming free film trailer below, and also stream full length Pharmakon playing megavideo movie in HD without downloading.

Title: Pharmakon
Year: 2012
Runtime: 129 minutes
Release Date: 2012-02-01
Actors : Klevis Bega, Olta Gixhari, Niko Kanxheri, Vasil Goda, Pano Aliu

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