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Esther Summary: Ahasverus, king of Persia and Media, puts aside Vashti and makes Esther his queen, choosing her among maidens in a kingdom stretching from India to Ethiopia. Esther, using information from Mordecai, her uncle and patron, saves the king from assassination. Haman, the king's favorite, is miffed when Mordecai won't bow to him, so he orders death to all Jews in the kingdom, under the seal of the king. Esther pleads for her people, and Mordecai is in turn given license to make his own edict under the king's seal. Mordecai loses sight of his original intention, and bloody murder ensues. Purim annually celebrates the story. At the end of the film, the actors comment.
Year: 1986
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 97 minutes
Release Date: 1986-01-01
Actors : Simone Benyamini, Mohammad Bakri, Juliano Mer-Khamis, Zare Vartanian, David Cohen

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Esther Wikipedia Esther is described in the Book of Esther as a Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus commonly identified as Xerxes I reigned 486–465 BCE In the narrative Ahasuerus seeks a new wife after his queen Vashti refuses to obey him and Esther is chosen for her kings chief advisor Haman is offended by Esthers cousin and guardian Mordecai and gets permission from the king Book of Esther – Read Study Bible Verses Online Read the Book of Esther online Study Scripture verses with commentary concordances and use highlighting underlining take notes in the Bible Esther definition of Esther by The Free Dictionary Es·ther 1 ĕs′tər In the Bible the Jewish queen of Persia who saved her people from massacre Hebrew estēr from Persian sitareh star see ster in IndoEuropean roots or Akkadian Ištar Ishtar see Ishtar Es·ther 2 ĕs′tər n See Table at Bible After Esther Esther ˈɛstə n 1 Bible a beautiful Jewish woman who became queen Esther Esther Persian Queen Esther 492 –c 460 born as a Jewish exile named Hadasseh eventually became the queen of Persia which during her lifetime was the greatest empire in the known world ESTHER in the BIBLE Heroine who saved the Jewish people Who was Esther Queen Vashti disobeyed the drunken orders of her husband King Ahasuerus so he divorced her Lonely he sought a new queen – the most beautiful woman in the land A young Jewish orphan Esther was chosen – but she was careful to keep her Jewish identity secret Esther Women of the Bible The Living Word Library Esther was a Jew from the tribe of Benjamin who grew up as an exile in Persia Esther was her Persian name Her Jewish name was Hadassah The name Esther means star and is a derivation of the root name of the goddess Ishtar Hadassah which means Myrtl Esther 1 NIV Queen Vashti Deposed This is what Bible Esther 1 New International Version NIV Queen Vashti Deposed 1 This is what happened during the time of Xerxes the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush 2 At that time King Xerxes reigned from his royal throne in the citadel of Susa 3 and in the third year of his reign he gave a banquet for all his nobles and officials Queen Esther Bible Story Verses Meaning This is a summary of the Biblical account of Queen Esther You can read more indepth Bible verses from the Scripture below and use the articles and videos to understand the meaning of this teachable event in the Bible The story of Esther begins with a grand banquet at the palace of King Ahasuerus also referred to as King Xerxes User Login Esther NOTE If you have forgotten your PIN please use the hint feature by entering your User ID and clicking the Forgot PIN button You will then be prompted for your hint
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